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META Essay Writing Olympiad

META Essay Writing Olympiad


Welcome to the Meta Essay Writing Olympiad, a vibrant platform that honors the beauty of expression and the impactful nature of words. It’s a fantastic space where we celebrate the magic of writing and the incredible possibilities words hold. The Meta Olympiad isn’t just an ordinary event; it’s an exciting opportunity for participants to dive into fresh ideas and showcase their creativity, all while competing with peers from around the world. Think of it as a thrilling writing adventure! The Meta Essay Writing Olympiad provides the perfect stage for sharing stories, unleashing creativity, and bringing words to life. So, come on board, have a blast, and let your essays become a canvas for expressing yourself and sharing your unique perspectives.

Important Information for Olympiad


All contestants from Grade 1 – 12 are eligible to participate.



View Details

Registration Fee

Rs. 1000/- per participant

Early Fee (April): £1400
Regular Fee (May): £1480
Late Fee (June): £1560


1. The language of entry must be in English.
2. Participants must submit both word documents of their Essay writing.
3. An Essay should be;
Category 1: Grade 1-3 – 500 words or less
Category 2: Grade 4-6 – 1000 words or less
Category 3: Grade 7-9 - 1500 words or less
Category 4: Grade 10-12 – 1500 words or less
4. The font for all creative writing categories is Times New Roman, with a font size of 12.
5. All entries will be regarded as final once submitted; participants will not be allowed to make changes after submission.
6. All entries must be typed: no hand-written entry will be accepted.
7. The organizers will appoint judges to make the ultimate decisions. A skilled panel of judges will assess entries, considering factors such as creativity, technique, and overall impact. The decisions made by the judges are final and cannot be challenged at any forum.


Category 1
Category 2
Category 3
Category 4

How It Works

Primary Round
  • The Primary Stage of the META Olympiads encourages students to demonstrate their academic excellence.
  • Participants will first participate in primary round.
  • Participants are required to register online and deliver their work submissions.
  • Our esteemed panel of judges will carefully evaluate the students' submissions and announce the outcomes of the Primary round.
  • Medals, prizes, and certificates will be awarded to the deserving participants of the Primary Round.
  • What adds a special touch to this occasion is the exclusive privilege granted to the GOLD Medalists. They earn direct entry to the esteemed Global Round to be held by iWISE Olympiad organization in University of Surrey – London.
  • Participants have the opportunity to enhance their performance and make another attempt in Primary Round 2 if they do not receive any medals in Primary Round 1, paving their way towards the UK Global Final.
  • Participants can join EXTRA TRIP PROGRAMME without competing the Global Final.
  • Global Round
  • Global final is an amazing opportunity for participants to exhibit and gain recognition for their talent in UK on a global platform.
  • META Olympiad and iWISE organization have joined forces to enable students to travel to the UK for the Global Final.
  • The Global round is the final round for participants which will be organized by iWISE Olympiad organization in University of Surrey - London.
  • In order to qualify for the global final participants must have received any of the medal ranking GOLD in the Primary Round.
  • Participants must complete their registration and payment timely in order to secure their place in the Global final.
  • A confirmation letter acknowledging their qualification will be provided exclusively to those who meet the criteria set for the Global Final.
  • All participants are required to bring a hard copy or prototype of their work submissions along with them to London for the Exhibition.
  • Each work entry will be judged twice. Participants will be disqualified if they do not have a hard copy or prototype of their work submissions during the exhibition.
  • Participants who are younger than 16 years old may only travel to the UK under the supervision of an adult. Participants who are older than 16 years old may travel on their own.
  • The registration fee for the Global round will cover accommodation, 3 meals a day, transportation, pick up and drop off at the airport and entrance fees for tourist attractions.
  • The registration fee will not cover participants’ flight itinerary, visa expenses and spending money. The duration for Global Final is 6 days including arrival and departure days.

    • Gold Medal 
    • Silver Medal 
    • Bronze Medal 
    • Honorable Mention
    • Certificate of Participation for all
    • Discounted Summer Programs in UK, USA AND other countries
    • Special Discounts on Language Programs in multiple countries
    • Special Discount offers for University admissions for students and teachers
    • Extra UK Trip Programme for Students, Teachers, Supervisors, Principal
    • Trip for Parents of students


    • Gold Medal – 10% of participants
    • Silver Medal – 30% of participants
    • Bronze Medal – 40% of participants
    • Honorable Mention – 20% of participants
    • Certificate of Participation for all
    • Special Prizes for Principal and Supervisors
    • Cash Prizes
    • Discounted Summer Programs in UK, USA AND other countries
    • Special Discounts on Language Programs in multiple countries
    • Special Prizes for Principal and Supervisors
    • Special Discount offers for University admissions for students and teachers